Mailing Address
UU of the Santa Clarita Valley
PO Box 800028
Santa Clarita, CA 91380
Vibe Performing Arts Studio
24460 1/4 Lyons Ave.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Sunday Services: 10:30am at Vibe Performing Arts 24460 1/4 Lyons Ave, Newhall, CA 91321
General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our
Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants
worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for
the Association through democratic process. Anyone
may attend; congregations must certify annually to
have voting delegates. It will be held June 24th through 28th.
This year the UUA Board of Trustees decided to make it a 100% virtual event. This decision alleviates the anxiety and concern shared by many about how GA might proceed given the impact of COVID-19. It also gives the Association time to plan a more robust and rewarding virtual experience.
A virtual GA has many benefits, including a significant reduction in our carbon footprint and the possibility of higher attendance, since it is more accessible for delegates and anyone else burdened by travel costs or time.
For many years we have offered virtual attendance as an option and, this year, we will scale and enhance our technology so that we can accommodate a wider, ideally more global, audience. Across the country, UU congregations have embraced virtual meetings and Sunday services and we know that the number of screens that log in has grown each week. We are excited for what lies ahead!