Mailing Address
UU of the Santa Clarita Valley
PO Box 800028
Santa Clarita, CA 91380
Vibe Performing Arts Studio
24460 1/4 Lyons Ave.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Sunday Services: 10:30am at Vibe Performing Arts 24460 1/4 Lyons Ave, Newhall, CA 91321
To fulfill the educational component of our renewal as a Welcoming Congregation, we’ve enrolled in a Transgender Inclusion in Congregations course offered by the Transforming Hearts Collective (THC). The course consists of six sessions that our congregants can view. Enroll in the course by following these directions
• Go to the THC home page (
• Scroll to the bottom and select the $400 option (which has already been paid for)
• Click “Enroll”
• On the next page, click the red text “Add Coupon”
• In the box that appears, enter the coupon code UUSANTACLARITA and click
• “Apply” (the cost will be adjusted to $0)
• Continue with the enrollment process.
Once you have completed enrollment, you have only to log in with your credentials, and you will have access to the course sessions. As explained, the course is free to our congregants by using the coupon code and will be continually available to view as often as you like, and for future congregants, too. We’ve scheduled a 30-minute group discussion for the third video, “Unpacking the Gender Binary,” immediately following our June 5th service at Vibe as an in-person event. We hope you’ll take this opportunity to learn and grow in understanding!