Mark Your Calendars for UUA General Assembly 2023

The theme for General Assembly 2023 is “Faithfully Becoming.” We continue to live in times of transition and change; so much is in flux. The COVID-19 pandemic upended our lives, our communities, and the world. It made clear the devastating and deadly impacts of longstanding racial and economic disparities. The ongoing losses and threats from climate change (of which the pandemic is not unrelated), growing authoritarian movements, and the rolling back of fundamental human rights – these all-present tremendous challenges for our lives, our children, and our future.

Many feel worn out and overwhelmed. But times of significant change can also be moments of opportunity and possibility. Major shifts are happening. Our theology and our values as Unitarian Universalists are needed.

This General Assembly will be an exciting moment, demonstrating the ways we are called into Faithfully Becoming.

We are at a threshold moment for our faith, and will choose the next path in our journey. We will consider new articulations of Article II (including our Principles and Purpose) and elect a new President to lead our Association. These are decisions that will shape who we are and how we respond to and grow through these times. These changes offer us possibilities for becoming more connected, courageous, inclusive, generous, and continuing our ongoing journey of becoming Beloved Community


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