Camp News

Our (UUSCV’s) Cluster Weekend Retreat

Save the dates: Friday, Sept 29th through Sunday Oct 1st.

Join many of our neighboring congregations for this weekend retreat in the mountains. Sign up early and join in a beautiful weekend among the towering cedars, oaks, and pines of this beautiful camp. The atmosphere is one of congeniality, camaraderie, and friendship. This weekend is a chance for the whole family to relax, hike, sing, play games, swim, and enjoy the fresh air among other UUs in our cluster.


Other Camps you might want to attend include:

2023 UU Young Adult Camp “Songs of Spirit / Return to Music Mountain” — Friday, Sept 1st — Monday, Sept 4th.

Young Adult Camp is an annual summer retreat for 18- to 35-year old Unitarian Universalists and people of all faiths. Meet new friends, connect with old ones, learn from and with social justice volunteers, dance your heart out, laugh out loud, reconnect with the land, each other, and your soul.

Art Camp for Adults — Thursday September 7 to Tues September 12th.