On April 26th-28th, Camp de Benneville Pines is proud to sponsor our second annual “District” Assembly.

Our host this year is the Unitarian Universalist Church of Ventura with the support from their neighbors at Chalice UU Fellowship in Conejo Valley.

The theme this year is “Promoting Justice: Amplifying Voices at the Intersections of Race, Class, & Environment.”

Highlights of the weekend program include:
• Keynote speaker Hop Hopkins, who has been organizing for over 25 years at the intersections of race, class, gender, and the environment. Most recently, he was the director of organizational transformation at the Sierra Club, where he was instrumental in helping the organization evolve into a commitment to antiracism.
• Keynote speaker Lucas Zucker, co-executive director of CAUSE (Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy) whose mission is to create grassroots power through community organizing, leadership development, coalition building, civic engagement, policy research, and advocacy to attain social, economic, and environmental justice for working-class and immigrant communities in California’s Central Coast.
• Emma’s Revolution, a camp and UU favorite, will perform for us. Emma’s Revolution is an American folk music and social justice activist duo, consisting of songwriters Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow (a.k.a. Sandy O).
• PSWSA Youth Con, a weekend youth conference and overnight gathering for UU youth in grades 8th through 12th!

Camp de Benneville Pines Annual Business Meeting, learn about what’s happening up at our spiritual mountain top home. Please sign up to be a delegate representing your congregation when you register.

There are two ways to attend this Assembly: In Person or Virtually via Zoom. For more details, costs, and how to sign up:2024 Pacific Southwest Service Area Assembly –(uucamp.org)

Join Friends and Colleagues from throughout the Pacific Southwest Service Areas (PSWD)April 26-28, 2024