Cards for Teens a Huge Success Again This Year!

We are so glad to have been able to deliver twenty-three (23) gift cards to brighten the lives of SCV teens who have been affected by domestic violence. That’s $525 worth of gift cards!!!

The Domestic Violence Center (the previous organization that worked with SCV domestic violence victims) had suggested to us that teens often get overlooked for the holidays because toys collected for families tend to be for smaller children. So, since 2016, we have been collecting gift cards for teens who have been affected by domestic violence.

And you came through!!! Cheryl Jones, VP of Community Outreach from the Child & Family Center sends her gratitude to our congregation, saying that they would have been short of things to give the teens if we hadn’t donated our gift cards. We would like to thank the wonderful generosity of the members of the UU of SCV congregation.