Category: News

Dining for Dollars Fundraising

Your UU of SCV Board is looking for volunteers to offer “Dining for Dollars” opportunities. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve gourmet meals for up to eight people who sign up to pay for the privilege of attending. All proceeds go to UU of … read more.

Camp Re-Opens!

Our beautiful mountain retreat, Camp de Benneville Pines was evacuated on September 9th due to the Line Fire. On October 8, 2024, Janet James, Executive Director of our camp received a call from the USFS Permit Officer stating that all camps on the south side … read more.

Third Sunday Collection

On the third Sunday of the month, UUSCV donates the cash portion of our offering to a local community organization that does work aligning with our values.

The Third Sunday recipient for November is Single Mothers Outreach. SMO has served over 4,000 single parents and their … read more.

Purple Walk

The Purple Walk to benefit the Domestic Violence Project was held on October 5thin the morning. Louise Klatt, Eric Klatt, and Emily Larbaoui. participated. It was very well attended.

SCV Pride Picnic

UUSCV had a table at the Pride Picnic on October 5th.

Glenda Nowakowski, Louise Klatt, Eric Klatt, Chris Hankla, and Diane Tamburello worked at the table. We made some new connections, renewed some older connections, and several people expressed interest in our church. It was … read more.

“Peaceful Relationships” Workshop

Rev Jo Green, our Affiliate Minister, will be facilitating this workshop with the Alternatives to Violence Project. There are 2 different sessions you can attend:

Mon & Thurs 6 pm – 9pm:
Sep 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 23rd, and 26th on Zoom.

September 21st, 22nd, 28th 9 … read more.