“Deep Calls to Deep”

The mysterious depths of the past call to the chaotic depths of this present moment. As we plunge forward, ancient echoes reverberate into all we face as humanity right now. Human need is great – where do our deepest needs meet the richness of faith? Join Rev. Megan in song, story and prayer.

You can connect by directing your web browser to: https://tinyurl.com/ZoomUUSCV (You will be prompted to turn on your microphone or video, but you will be muted in order to reduce background noise for the service.)

Or, if you call in from your phone, dial (669) 900-9128 you will be asked the meeting ID, which is: 309 884 39 73. Next you will be asked for a password, which is also: 309 884 39 73. So, you will have to enter the number twice, once as a meeting ID, then again as the password.