Mailing Address
UU of the Santa Clarita Valley
PO Box 800028
Santa Clarita, CA 91380
Vibe Performing Arts Studio
24460 1/4 Lyons Ave.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Sunday Services: 10:30am at Vibe Performing Arts 24460 1/4 Lyons Ave, Newhall, CA 91321
Popular guest speaker, and UCLA oncology chaplain, Michael Eselun will explore the dance we do between acceptance and self-compassion. If we reach for acceptance of our circumstances as a pathway to inner peace, what part does self-compassion play?
The Fifth Sunday presentation will be on July 30th after the service.
Barbara Wilson of Mental Health Hook-up will be our speaker. Finding support and services for adult family members who have a serious & chronic form of mental illness can be difficult. At Mental Health Hook-up, they work with families to identify needs, deliver or recommend mental health services, and offer support for family members. Barbara Wilson, LCSW and lifetime advocate for and provider of mental health services.