Mindfulness Movement

So often we think we know all about our bodies—but how much have we really explored our toes? Or perhaps our left arm? Awareness practices, such as meditation and yoga, can help us learn more about ourselves and in turn lessen suffering.

Join us for this unique service during which congregants will be asked to bring awareness to their bodies and to notice how the body feels as it engages in different movements. All movements will be done while sitting in a chair—a standing option will also be available. No prior experience is needed.

Aligning with our 3rd UU principle, acceptance of one another and encouraging spiritual growth, we are pleased to have UUSCV member Mirna Sawyer share elements from mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)—which has underpinnings in Buddhism.

Since 2022 Mirna has been on the pathway to becoming a certified MBSR teacher. She is also a college professor, and lives in Valencia with her husband, daughter, and two cats. Their son is also home from college for the summer!

Postcard writing in the annex from the end of the service to 12 noon. Materials, addresses, and information sheets will be provided.