The Platinum Rule

Chris Hankla will read a faith message by the Rev. Darcey Laine.

Rev. Darcey is a minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cortland, NY, the Cobblestone Church. Restoring one’s relationship to the web of life and sharing a sense of wonder in the natural world
is a guiding passion in all her work. She believes Universalism calls us to ongoing work for the liberation of all, and is proud of her congregation’s lasting commitment to anti-oppression, particularly LGBTQAI+ rights and the work of anti-racism.

She says The Platinum Rule “is the most profound gift and the most profound challenge of being truly welcoming; if, when we encounter difference, we stick with it through the embarrassing fails, through the emotions and the tough conversations, it will change us. We will grow not only in our hospitality, but in our deeper and wider understanding of this world we share.”