Unwrapping Pascal’s Wager

Rick Kamlet will discuss the premise – put forth in the mid-1600s by a French mathematician – that the ultimate reason for believing in God is solely based upon there being a 50:50 change of the existence of a literal heaven and in the afterlife, and on the presumption that the only way to avoid eternity in hell was to believe in that religion. But traditional religions each come as a pre-packaged deal, along with pre-fabricated dogma, world view, deity, enemies, and directives. Is it wise to devote the direction of one’s life and existence to such a wager?

This date is associated with a number of faith traditions for honoring those who have passed away, including Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) honored in Mexico, All
Saint’s Day and All Souls Day. Bob Maitino will lead a ceremony for honoring our loved ones.