What Would You Sacrifice? A Humanist Minister Explores the Binding of Isaac

Earlier 10:00 am Start Time
Meeting ID: 921 3025 8567, Passcode: 543555

The “binding of Isaac” also known as the “test of Abraham” or, in Hebrew, the Akedah, is a Torah portion read on Rosh Hashanah. The disturbing passage from Genesis, Chapter 22 is one of the most heavily analyzed and debated. As a humanist minister, it has been my self-imposed challenge to explore my Jewish heritage through aspects of the Jewish religion that I find difficult, if not impossible, to reconcile with my philosophy of life. Since Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is this month, it is the ideal opportunity to explore The Binding of Isaac.

Joshua Berg is a Chaplain Resident at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and a Unitarian Universalist minister