Mailing Address
UU of the Santa Clarita Valley
PO Box 800028
Santa Clarita, CA 91380
Vibe Performing Arts Studio
24460 1/4 Lyons Ave.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Sunday Services: 10:30am at Vibe Performing Arts 24460 1/4 Lyons Ave, Newhall, CA 91321
It is important to feel we are loved and cherished. We yearn to be recognized as having worth. Where do we find that love and sense of worth? To whom and what do we belong? Who or what holds our loyalty? Where do we fit in this universe of ours? Chris Hankla will be reading a faith message written by Rev. Dr. John Morehouse.
Attend and appreciate that you are welcomed into the embrace of UU of SCV.
Normal UU of SCV Zoom.