Mailing Address
UU of the Santa Clarita Valley
PO Box 800028
Santa Clarita, CA 91380
Vibe Performing Arts Studio
24460 1/4 Lyons Ave.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Sunday Services: 10:30am at Vibe Performing Arts 24460 1/4 Lyons Ave, Newhall, CA 91321
Rev. Dr. Megan Visser bids farewell to UU of SCV in her final worship service with us.
She will share stories from serving as our minister over the past four years and some tools for our journey into the future.
Join Rev. Megan and our … read more.
There can be power and peace in a good ending, but as the song goes, “breaking up is hard to do.”
Come to this worship service about different “goodbyes” in our lives, and the beginnings that always follow. Join with your spiritual community as we … read more.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote that “Faith is taking the first step even when you can’t see the whole staircase.” This metaphorical staircase may be the journey ahead in our own spiritual development, the road of change winding into mystery, and the path … read more.
Originally created in 1923 by Unitarian minister Norbert Čapek of Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Flower Ceremony was introduced to the United States by Rev. Mája Čapek, Norbert’s widow. During Pride month, we offer this ritual to celebrate beauty, affirm diversity and delight in community.
In this ceremony, … read more.
“Being a work in progress is diametrically opposed to being perfect. Being perfect is rigid, unyielding. It offers no flexibility, no wiggle room. It puts people in neat little boxes with labels that often times do not fit.
Perfect does not allow for diversity of opinion. … read more.
“Art is the act of balancing: knowing what to prepare, what to leave to the moment, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Stephen Nachmanovitch wrote these words to describe his love of improvising as a violinist, but also as a way of moving through … read more.
What forms of resistance have you met as you try to go deeper in faith as a Unitarian Universalism? At different times in our lives, we may meet roadblocks on our spiritual journey — a struggle with the faith of our families of origin, divergent … read more.
What does Unitarian Universalism consider good Easter theology? How does the invitation to observe Easter as a religious holiday also reflect our theological diversity? Come try out some bad Easter candy and try on some good theology.
Self-help communities and media figures, such as Brene Brown, promote “courage and vulnerability culture,” by boosting the message that if we lean into challenge,
such difficult experiences will make us stronger.
Rev. Megan explores the dangers of this message and the systems that abuse rather … read more.
This Sunday we explore the Soul Matters theme for the month of March: Vulnerability.
Join Rev. Megan as she presents three individual stories of dark nights of the soul, times in which people feared that “no one would understand” and experienced being broken open along … read more.